
В игре ребенок будет запоминать шахматные партии, некоторые учить. Развивается внимание, нужно следить за каждой фигурой на доске. Многие шахматисты развивают фотографическую память.

Дети учатся не только накапливать информацию, но и правильно, быстро ее использовать в нужных ситуациях.

Single Event Page

This is a single event page with sample content. This layout is suitable for most websites and types of business like gym, kindergarten, health or law related. Event hours component at the bottom of this page shows all instances of this single event. Build-in sidebar widgets shows upcoming events in the selected categories.

Today Upcoming Events

No upcoming event for today

15 Next Events

No upcoming event for today

Single Event Page

This is a single event page with sample content. This layout is suitable for most websites and types of business like gym, kindergarten, health or law related. Event hours component at the bottom of this page shows all instances of this single event. Build-in sidebar widgets shows upcoming events in the selected categories.

Today Upcoming Events

No upcoming event for today

15 Next Events

No upcoming event for today

Single Event Page

This is a single event page with sample content. This layout is suitable for most websites and types of business like gym, kindergarten, health or law related. Event hours component at the bottom of this page shows all instances of this single event. Build-in sidebar widgets shows upcoming events in the selected categories.

Today Upcoming Events

No upcoming event for today

15 Next Events

No upcoming event for today